About Me

Change Your Way Of Living

“Be Happy & Spread Happiness”

Valia Ivanova

Hello! I’m Valia Ivanova, creator of the Healthy Recipes by V.I. I’ve been a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist since 2010 and in that time I’ve educated and encouraged millions of women to improve their health and fitness, to change their lifestyle. My personal training programs can help you to increase your fitness and strength, whether you are a beginner or are ready for a new challenge. My e-Book with 135 healthy recipes with the help you change your mind about food and enjoy every bite of it. Join millions of women around the world training and cooking with me to become fit!

Healthy recipes By V.I

Personal Story:

When I first started my weight loss journey, I was anything but healthy. I was overweight and my health was constantly deteriorating but I was in a complete state of denial. I frequently ate fast food, drank beer and I was a sugarholic. But one fine morning, I decided to do something about it and I immersed myself into a healthy lifestyle and I’ve never looked back.

The internet had hundreds and thousands of diets and I decided to try almost every diet that was available. It made me lose weight but since these diets were so restrictive, I ended up gaining all the weight back. I changed my relationship with food and lost 55 pounds over 3 months.

I care about my clients and for me, there’s nothing more important than making my clients go through a transformation that makes them happy. I know how it feels to be overweight and how it can affect your whole life. Therefore, I want to be there for people who want to bring change and become their confident selves. I can help you discover the best training and meal plans suited to your body and preferences that have helped me become the person I am today.

I know a lot of you might not have enough time to work out or prepare your meals in the morning before heading to work. This is why I’ve specifically designed training programs to cater to your requirements.

If you want to get started, book with me a free consultation and we can together make you succeed.

Valia Ivanova, V.I


healthy recipes by vi




Valia Ivanova, V.I

What My Clients Say About Me

Clients satisfaction is the most important for me and I always give my best in providing the best services.

Since starting my program, I have gained strength, endurance, confidence, and mostly discipline that has spilled over into other areas of my life. For only 3 months i am what i have been dreaming of my whole life.
- Rebecca