
Personal Training and Meal Plan

Original price was: $99.98.Current price is: $15.00.

Personal Training and Meal Plan

How it works:


After completing your purchase, you will receive a questionnaire to help me understand your goals, circumstances, and preferences.

Training Program

I will sit down with the information you’ve given me and create your bespoke training program. This will bring an end to guesswork for you. If I need an additional information, I will contact you.

Meal Plan

Your custom meal plan for you calculated to the exact caloric and macronutrient intake for your goals with full recipes. I will take into account if you have any allergies, foods you dislike.


As soon as you start your program you will have unlimited instant messaging support with me directly to answer any questions and offer support

Beyond Fitness

As part of building an overall healthier lifestyle, I can also set and track custom habits such as water intake, other sports, and activities.

The Personalized Workout Program

A Truly Bespoke Approach

Your program will be created from scratch as your personal blueprint for success in fitness. Putting an end to guesswork and wasted effort in your health and fitness pursuits.

Achieve Multiple Goals

I specialize in body recomposition, meaning I will show you how to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously, but it’s not all about aesthetics we’ll also optimize your fitness and enhance your mobility

*Program can be designed for home workouts as well

On-Going Education

Every aspect of your training program will be fully explained as you go along, constantly adding to your understanding of your body and key fitness principles. This will equip you to fully program your own training at the end of your package.

The Personalized Meal Plan

Individual Calorie Intake

Each day’s caloric intake and macronutrient split will reflect your unique body type and the workout you will be doing each day.


As a professional nutritionist, I will build a nutrient rich, delicious meal plan. Following the meal plan alone would allow you to lose fat and feel great.

Easy to Follow

Your meal plans come with cooking instructions to make your meal planning easy to follow and avoid skipped meals.


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