Chia Muesli Breakfast Pudding Gluten Free-Foods

Chia Muesli Breakfast Pudding Gluten Free-Foods

Chia Muesli Breakfast Pudding Gluten Free-Foods -It is gluten-free food for breakfast, called Swiss oatmeal, from a Swiss doctor who created this healthy breakfast. It is a combination of yoghurt, nuts, milk, and oats. No cooking required!

Chia Muesli Breakfast Pudding:

If you are like me, who loves to eat their breakfast the healthy way, then you must try this simple yet healthy gluten-free food for your breakfast. I recommend this nutritious energy booster, especially if you are on a clean eating diet. What does eat mean to eat clean? 

From a nutritionist’s perspective, I encourage eating more whole foods like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains. Also, you must limit your intake of processed foods, sweets, too salty, and oily foods. It might sound hard at first, but you will discover how easy it is as you follow my list of clean eating recipes and gluten-free diets.

Chia Muesli Breakfast Pudding Gluten Free-Foods

Nutritional Benefits:

One of the main ingredients of this recipe is chia seeds. These tiny black seeds are known as superfoods. Why? It is due to the manifold health benefits. During older times, these seeds are vital foods for Aztecs and Mayans. It is the source of their sustainable energy, and chia was, in fact, a Mayan word for “strength.”

Today, it has become a very popular ingredient for people who are health conscious. I am also a fan of these tiny black seeds. You must not be fooled by its size, as it is a powerhouse of nutritional value.

An ounce or 28 grams of these seeds can offer:

  • 11 grams of fiber
  • 4 grams of protein
  • 9 grams of fat
  • Minerals (calcium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus)
  • B vitamins (niacin and thiamin)

Health Benefits:

If you frequently include it in your daily diet, then you will surely reap loads of health benefits like:

  • Aids weight loss 
  • Decrease chances of heart attack
  • Increase brain activity or alertness
  • Help strengthen bones
  • Reduce blood sugar level

What I like about the seed is that it is extremely easy to incorporate into your diet. The seeds may taste bland, but you can add them to any healthy drinks and dessert. Also, it does not need to be ground like flax seeds, making it easier to prepare. 

If you are excited to try this amazingly delicious and healthy gluten-free- recipe, then here is the list of ingredients and procedures for you to follow.

Chia Muesli Breakfast Pudding Recipe 

Serving: 3 Serves

Preparation Time: 12 hours and 10 minutes


Chia Mixture:

95 grams soy milk

112 grams coconut milk

48 grams chia seeds

1 tablespoon raw honey


25 grams slivered almonds

90 grams apples (peeled and grated)

21 grams raisins


1. Prepare and measure all ingredients for the chia mixture accurately ahead of time.

2. Using a medium bowl, combine soy milk, coconut milk, chia seed, and raw honey and mix well

3. Cover the mixture with food-grade plastic cling wrap and refrigerate it overnight or for 12 hours. It will allow the pudding to settle and get very creamy in texture.

4. In the morning, prepare the ingredient for toppings. 

5. if you like a more fluid texture, you may stir the mixture before adding the toppings on top. 

6. Divide the mixture into two small glass or bowls and put the toppings on top. 



You may also turn it into a grab-and-go breakfast by putting the mixture in a container with a lid, putting the toppings on top at night, and refrigerate it. In the morning, it is all set and ready for your breakfast on the go. If you want more healthy and mouth-watering healthy meals, you can also check out a healthy breakfast.

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