Sauerkraut Soup

Sauerkraut Soup | Vegetarian Sauerkraut Soup Recipe

Sauerkraut Soup -Vegetarian Sauerkraut Soup Recipe. Version of a meal that many relied on because of its quantity. And health benefits.

Vegetarian Sauerkraut Soup Recipe:

If you are hailing from the Balkans, you will be all too familiar with this amazing leafy, green plant that is annually grown and once picked, stored for the winter. Our grandmas never cease to surprise us with the big pot, which usually contains a lot of cabbage and meat preferably. It is true, this is a vegetarian friendly option. It is also a good option for those who are fasting.

And it is certainly a good option for those looking to get their nutrients and weight loss in check. And remember, our dear readers, if this magical plant wasn’t stored in such quantities, we wouldn’t have as many sailors as we do have. Namely, when you substantially lack vitamin C, you may get scurvy. Sailors got that, and the only thing that helped them, and was issued by royal decree, was sauerkraut. It will help us as well with this amazing recipe!

Sauerkraut Soup

Why cabbage?

Well, you can store a lot of it, like we mentioned. And it can be there for the longest time imaginable. Cabbage is fermented in barrels, and the season for your health is always there, next to those barrels. What do we mean by this? Well, fruits all have their seasons and they are sometimes hard to find, even with best supermarkets. And sauerkraut can be used as a salad, and as a soup.

Its an application in a balanced diet is really astonishing. It hails from ancient China, where it was eaten 2000 years ago, but a German name signifies that it was well respected even there. So it stood the test of time. Fermentation gives cabbage nutritional properties that exceed those of fresh cabbage. When cabbage is fermented, microorganisms from the cabbage digest its natural sugars and turn them to carbon dioxide and organic acids. All this gives sauerkraut a good amount of probiotics, similar to those found in yoghurt and kefir. 


There are many, such as: improved digestion, improved gut health, good for weight loss. There are studies that link eating sauerkraut to lower risk of cancer. And, what is really important for maintaining fitness in later days, it is really good for bone health. Reason why it will fit almost every healthy and balanced diet is because it is full of nutrients while low on fat. That is the ideal ratio for reaching your fitness goals.

Besides having a strong smell, there is only one ‘’flaw’’ that sauerkraut has. It is high in sodium. If you have any problems with liver, it is not advisable that you consume too much sodium. With this soup, you don’t have to worry about that. It will have a lot of other vegetables in it, so you won’t be ‘’overindulging’’ in the cabbage itself. For those that are not exactly keen on a vegetarian diet, you can add bacon and  chicken broth. Let’s begin with the preparation.

Sauerkraut Soup

Ingredients and preparation:

1 tbsp olive oil

1 celery

1 onion

2 carrots

3 cups sauerkraut

2 cups water

1 can of beans

Prefered seasoning

Dice onion and celery. Slice carrots and potatoes. Heat the olive oil, and bacon here (if you opted for the non vegetarian option). If not, put the celery and onion and fry them until they get a golden color. Add the rest, along with chicken broth (non vegetarian option). You can add beans instead of chicken broth, or add them together. Serve with whole wheat bread.

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