chickpeas-Becoming a Mr. Bean- Incorporating Beans into Your Nutrition

Becoming a Mr Bean- Incorporating Beans into Your Nutrition

Bean recipe for those looking to utilize these amazing vegetables.


Sometimes, getting enough protein in your diet can be a really expensive process. It can definitely be more than you bargained for, and that can make you lose your motivation, as well as your financial incentive to continue your fitness journey. Foods like salmon and different steaks will make you think twice before considering bulking up. Thankfully, as we will see in today’s example, getting your good dose of important nutrients can be done on a budget. For whatever reason, people may think that fitness is a really expensive pursuit, while in fact, it can be and it is not like that, at all. As with anything else, it can be expensive or not as much as you prefer. There is a choice to be made in everything you do in the gym or in your home. We will show you how!

chickpeas-Becoming a Mr. Bean- Incorporating Beans into Your Nutrition

Disambiguation of the bean:

You may think, why does this word stand in this paragraph? Well, it is there because beans can be used without a problem in many not so healthy solutions to nutrition. Fried or baked, they lose some of their nutritional properties, and they are no longer healthy. This is good to know for those people wondering why some foods have the ability to be healthy at some times, and not at some others. All that depends on the preparation and other ingredients.

Excluding fast food, beans are a really great source of fiber and protein. Fiber will make you think twice before eating beans and going out, because of its ability to purify the bowels (for a lack of a better term). We all well know what protein does. 100 grams of beans has 21 grams of protein. That is pretty impressive. However, they don’t contain amino acids, so if you want to up your protein consumption, make sure to include some other form of protein that does have those.

Bean- Incorporating Beans into Your Nutrition

Types of beans:

Other than frozen, canned or dry beans, there are many variants of beans such as lentils, black beans, navy beans. They come from the family of legumes, and without delving into the origin of species anymore, all of them are really healthy and good for you. They are a great substitute for the meat, if you prefer plant based nutrition. Another fascinating thing is that you can add any sort of bean to almost any meal, and it will still taste like heaven.


What we will be making today is chicken and chickpeas. More precisely, chicken breast and chickpeas. You don’t need much ingredients for this one, and you can make everything you need in half an hour. You will need:

  • 1 onion
  • 2 tomatoes (you can use small tomatoes) use half quantity of what you would for chickpeas
  • 500 g chickpeas
  • ½ lemon
  • oil

Rinse and dry the chickpeas. Heat the oven to 200 C. Cut the onion and tomatoes. Take a baking tray that is deep enough for this one, since it will rise and you don’t want everything to spill over. Clean the chicken breast, and put everything together into the tray and season it as you like.

You can know it is ready because of the chicken. Otherwise, cook it for 30 minutes. Once it is ready, squeeze lemon over it.

This one is really nutritious, so you can make it as a main dish.

500 grams of chickpea has:

Bean- Incorporating Beans into Your Nutrition

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