air fryer

Air Fryer – Is cooking with it beneficial to health?

Air Fryer

Today, there is continuous hype about air fryer benefits, but basically, it is just a different form of a convection oven. 

If you bump into this article, you are also curious about the uses of air fryers and how they can help your everyday cooking and healthy lifestyle. What is the difference between an oven and an air fryer? Philips Electronics Company patented it, and it can cook foods like it was deep fried without any cooking oil. 

The surge in popularity makes many homemakers wonder about air fryer benefits. Hence, according to market research by the NPD group, almost 40% of households in the United States had one. The truth is that there are many things that you can do with an air fryer, like frying, roasting, and baking. Moreover, since you do not have to use any oil, many think that it a healthy way of cooking.

As a nutritionist, I agree that it can aid people to live a healthier lifestyle by staying away from oily foods. Hence, eating fatty foods in the diet can lead to obesity and different lifestyle diseases like heart problems, cancer, and diabetes. 

How does an air fryer work?

The above potion of the fryer is where you can find its heating system and the fan. Hence, as you place the food inside a metal basket and turn it on, the hot air circulates it. Therefore, the rapid circulation of hot air inside the fryer makes the food crispier, the same as deep frying but without oil.

Air fryer vs. other methods of cooking

This cooking equipment is designed to offer a healthful way of cooking and enjoying fried foods without oil. Also, it is the same as roasting and grilling. Deep-fried foods indeed contain more fats than other methods of cooking. For instance, 100g of battered and fried chicken has 13.2 g of fat, while oven-roasted chicken only has 0.39 g of fat. 

Some air fryers still require a very small amount of oil to mimic the flavor and texture of deep-fried foods. Therefore, it is the best choice for those suffering from heart problems and weight gain. However, there is no concrete and science-based evidence that cooking with an air fryer is healthier than other cooking methods. 

The actual benefits of air fryers

Air fryers, when used correctly, can offer health benefits such as:

1. Promote weight loss

It is true that food intake high in fat links to many diseases like obesity and health problems. That is why as much as possible, health professionals advise people to stay away from deep-fried foods. These foods are very high in bad fat and calories. Therefore, consuming foods cooked from an air fryer with a lesser amount of oil is good for the health in the long run. 

2. An air fryer is safer compared to deep fryers.

When it comes to deep-frying, it requires heating a large amount of oil. Hence, it poses a huge safety risk for everyone, especially those with children at home. On the other hand, while air fryers do get too hot, they pose no risk at all, like spilling hot oil, splashing, and accidentally touching hot surfaces. Therefore, if you are using a deep frying machine, it needs careful handling and strict instructions. 

3. Air fryers reduce the risk for acrylamide formation

Not many are aware, but deep frying foods using oil produces a toxin called acrylamide. It is a compound that forms in a specific type of food when subjected to high heat like deep frying. 

Moreover, the International Agency for Research in Cancer said that this toxin is responsible for developing particular types of cancer such as ovarian, breast, endometrial, pancreatic, and esophageal cancer. Also, different studies link it to kidney problems, but these results are still uncertain. 

Being healthy is not related to the use of new cooking equipment or method, but air frying benefits may help avoid consuming too many fatty foods. For more healthy tips and recipes, click here.

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