Yoga Benefits

Amazing Yoga Benefits for a Holistic Well-being

Yoga benefits to health are a complete package. Hence, it is one of the most holistic ways to achieve ultimate well-being. 

Yoga Benefits

What is holistic well-being? How can yoga benefits help you achieve it? These are common questions I usually encountered with my years of experience as a nutritionist and fitness advocate. Some people believe that yoga is for relaxation and meditation, but it is an understatement. Yoga is a union of the mind and body from the word “Yuji,” a Sanskrit word. It is a blend of breathing exercises and yoga poses for weight loss and meditation. Poses will not only help you to lose weight but to recover and prevent stress. 

I will help you understand and realize the true advantages of yoga for your physical and mental well-being. Here are proven amazing and science-based benefits of everyday yoga.

1. Improve Physical Strength

As you do slow movements and breathing exercises, it increases normal blood flow inside the body. As a result, it warms up your muscles, and as you hold the pose longer, it builds physical strength over time. 

2. Relaxes the Mind and Body

One of the known yoga benefits is its ability to ease stress and tension in the body. I have discovered that there are lots of studies showing that it may lower down the stress hormone. According to the study, 24 women participants experienced yoga poses’ powerful effect for weight loss and started having a positive mindset after each session. Along with meditation exercises, yoga is an effective tool to keep your stress level in check.

3. Back Pain Relief

I am recommending yoga as a basic stretching exercise to ease back pain. The American College of Physicians already proved this benefit as a first aid to treat chronic low back pain. 

Basic yoga poses have shown promising effects for people suffering from different body pains. It is according to the review of different studies done by the John Hopkins University of Maryland.

4. Ensure Heart Health

The heart needs special care to achieve overall health. Studies confirm yoga benefits when it comes to heart health by reducing risk factors. Hence, yoga training as part of lifestyle changes is very effective in staying away from heart problems. Participants in a study experienced a 23% decrease in total cholesterol level and 26% in bad fat. This physical activity can help you lose weight and minimize stress which is a major contributor to heart problems.

5. Achieve Quality Sleep

Poor sleep is linked to different health issues. That is why having a good night’s sleep is important to achieve a healthier mind and body. Many studies show that everyday yoga exercises can support longer and quality sleep. I can attest to its effectiveness in giving better sleep at night. 

In 2005, a study in elder patients who lacks quality sleep was divided into two groups. The first one took herbal sleeping pills, while the other one engaged in yoga classes. The yoga group shows great improvement in their quality of sleep than the other group. Besides, regularly doing it may increase the production of sleep hormones.

6. Normal Breathing

Moreover, breathing exercises as part of yoga classes can improve lung health. Hence, it is important, especially nowadays, to take good care of our lungs. It is better to increase the amount of air that the lungs can breathe in and out. It is necessary for us to stay healthy, especially those with lung problems.

The beauty of yoga exercises is no doubt useful for our overall well-being. If you want to start a healthier journey, I can help you achieve your goal. You may also read my proven tips for a more active lifestyle.

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